
Hello all, and welcome to Spring Flower Mama!

I’m Keelie, I’m 29 years old and a first time Mama to little Jaxon Arlo.

I am a working, single parent, running a Social Media business from home around my little Prince. In the last three years since working in the Social Media industry I have created an online presence for myself and I thought what better way to get my tips, advice and opinions out there than creating a blog?

From the day I found out I was pregnant, I have been a lover of Mummy Blogs! I have always found them so helpful. When pregnant I was always searching the web on what to expect from pregnancy trimesters, healthy eating ideas, what to buy for baby, money saving tips, breast feeding advice and the list goes on. Not to mention how much I have relied on my favourite Mummy Blogs throughout the early days of motherhood and beyond.

So knowing how much these blogs have helped me, I am looking forward to sharing my Mama experiences with you, both the good and the not so good! As a lot of you will understand, no day as a Mum is the same and we are all still learning and experiencing new things with our children every day. So here I will be sharing my own journey as a new and learning mother, along with sharing my own reviews and new experiences as I go!cropped-img_14522.jpg