A letter from Mama, A Year On..

Dear my darling, special boy, Jaxon.

Today is the 28th April 2018, and today is your first birthday!

Where did that year go? It has gone by so, so quickly, and it only feels like yesterday that you were in my tummy. That being said, as fast as this last year has gone, it is hard to remember what life was like without you in it, and in that sense, it seems like you’ve always been around.

What a year we have had together! From that day a year ago when I held you for the first time and felt your tiny hand on my cheek, to looking at you now with your mop of golden curls, a live wire, crawling, smiling, happy, little boy who is just about to walk!

This last year, Jaxon, has been the most fulfilling, rewarding, amazing year, I have ever had. A year filled with so much love and joy, and that is down to you. You have taught me so much about myself and about the world in general, just by being you.

They say a mother forgets the pain and the fright of birth, and its something I never quite understood. But since having you, I do understand. You gave us quite a fright and the doctors had to speed things up to get you out, it was very scary, I wasnt sure if I could handle it, but it is now a distant blur and I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

There are so many reasons as to why you make mine and the rest of your family’s life more colourful, every day. Your constant beaming smiles and your overall happiness. It is hard to be sad around you! You dancing, tapping your feet and bouncing to your favourite songs. The way you communicate with me and speak in your own little baby language. How you get mad at me when we have to wait for your food to cool down before you can eat it. The way you make my heart melt every time you say “Mama”. The list goes on! No day is ever the same with you around, you make me laugh every day and make me feel like the happiest and proudest mummy in the world.

Its funny how in just a year we have gone from days of routine. Napping together, feeding throughout the day and nappy changes. To now having whole adventures each and every day. You have recently started to walk around with your walker, you have been pretty proud of yourself. I am sure it wont be long now until you will be walking on your own! The other week, you even dragged your toy bus to the window to step onto so you could reach for what you wanted! Your favourite hobby is swimming and you love to swim under the water. You kick those legs like no tomorrow and come up to the surface with the usual, bright smile on your face!

You wont remember any of this. Because you are only one! But I will.

You wont remember how happy you were yesterday at your cake smash photo shoot, having a huge cake out in front of you and being allowed to do what you wanted with it! But I will.

You wont remember your first stay in a hotel and staying up until god knows what time because you were so excited. But I will.

You wont remember the days you mastered clapping your hands and waving goodbye. But I will.

You wont remember your first Christmas Dinner, sat in your high chair at the table in your Christmas jumper. But I will.

You wont remember the times where the days turned in to nights and the nights turned into days, the days where we used to just stare at you in disbelief that we had made you, the most perfect little human. But we will.

You have filled all of our lives these last twelve months with pure magic, Jaxon. We will never forget the joy you have brought into our lives, and the future joys to come. 

You have made my life complete. And I am so very proud to be your Mama.

So my darling boy, enjoy your very first birthday and always remember that you are so very loved.

All my love,




2 thoughts on “A letter from Mama, A Year On..

  1. What a lovely blog marking Jaxons first birthday.
    Can’t believe our gorgeous munchkin is now one year old.
    He is an amazing little boy.
    Just adore him xxx Much love xxxx


  2. We can’t believe where the year has gone .Hes such a little darling and a happy boy Lots of love ,hugs,and kisses Grandma@Pops xxxx


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